Wine & Twinkles.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Following our adventures around the West Country and London, my best friend Rach and I hopped on a quick flight from Bristol across the channel for the first stop of our mini-Euro romp...Paris!

We had crossed paths in the city of lights a few years back in 2012 - Rach was living with a local family for a month perfecting her French and I made a quick week-long trip to the city on a multi-country art history program. We were both eager and a bit anxious to go back, I've said it before but I always felt like Paris didn't hit quite the right note for me. In 2012, although I thought it was beautiful, the museums were overwhelmingly impressive, drinking wine in parks with my friends was a blast - I never got that dreamy eyed vision of the city like so many of my friends from home did. Every time I've visited and had to leave London, for example, it felt like someone was reaching into my heart and ripping it out, stomping on it for good measure. Whereas with Paris it was like..."eh, catch ya later!" Although Rach had a deep connection with Paris...their relationship was very hot and cold. One minute she'd be eating ice cream along the Seine listening to jazz, the next dodging terrifying people on the metro or getting snapped at by waiters. 

After manoeuvring our way from Charles de Gaulle, we arrived at our AirBnb and were pleased to see that our flat was on the top floor and were giggling with glee at our Parisian view. 

Our host works in publishing so the entire place was crammed with books of all sizes and genres from floor to ceiling, making us feel right at home. After taking the time to get settled with the sun slowly dipping into the horizon, we agreed that we both had one goal in mind: get to the Champ de Mars for a dinner of wine and cheese under the Eiffel Tower. It just never gets old!

If you're hoping to do the same on a visit, I do suggest picking up snacks closer to home rather than waiting until you get in the area. You'll spend a lot more time walking around trying to find a place that doesn't jack up the prices for tourists, and you'll get much better quality products on a more local side street. 

Our picnic and best friend chatty time was much more refined than my 21-year old self's's a snap from 2012 which I think all former study abroad students will agree speaks a thousand words.


Featured heavily throughout my Paris pictures are these amazing travel wine glasses from Urban Outfitters which I'm not seeing online anymore but will link them if I find them. They're plastic and the stems screw out from the bottom and fit perfectly into the glass part - perfect for travel!

I there anything better than wine in a beautiful place with the best of friends?

Have you ever returned to a city that you weren't sure about initially? 

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